52. Jamie Cailteux on Books, Part I

Jamie Cailteux reads so much I find it dizzying. In this episode, we discuss a wide variety of books, from the religious to the classics, including “Gone with the Wind.”(This episode was recorded in July 2020. Part II will appear on Oct. 5,...

51. Molly Cook — Life in Ballet

Molly Cook dances for the Oklahoma City Ballet. Starting at age four, Molly has often worked at her craft for:  one to five hours a day, and fifty weeks a year. Her work ethic–and her desire to do something beautiful for the world–are deeply inspiring. ...

50. Abigail Herrick – Playwright

Abigail Herrick wrote two plays that 100% floored me. She also wrote one of the funniest speeches I’ve ever heard.  Today, we’ve going to talk about all of that, including her writing techniques—because she’s good! A deep-thinking Catholic, Abby studies English and...
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