The Safari Club

May 1, 2019

The Safari Club

A novel about a 17-year-old girl whose mom disappears.

The Safari Club is a story about a young woman who always believed that she must save others. But when her world spirals into hell, can Jeanne Darcy live out her ideals?

Three days ago, 17-year-old Jeanne was struggling to hold what’s left of her family together. That’s when her mom disappeared.

Mom’s pulled these kind of shenanigans before, and Jeanne has spent the last three years raising herself. But this time is different. Before Jeanne can figure out what happened, she’s hit with a financial crisis, gets caught up in an arena of stalkers and con artists, and a brutal man who seeks revenge against Jeanne’s deceased father.


Torn away from nearly everything she knows, Jeanne must now fend off attackers and master-manipulators. A lot is at stake: her future. Her freedom. And soon—her life.

But even as Jeanne begins to realize that she may not be able to save herself, she realizes: I’m not the only one at risk.

She’s not sure she can save herself, let alone anyone else. But letting others suffer is not who Jeanne Darcy is.

In an era where many feel powerless, The Safari Club is a novel for our times.


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One More Thing

As an experiment, I am serializing my novels at Wattpad.  I have four up so far: The Safari ClubThe Red HandThe Conspiracy of 1869and Tom Buchanan, Misunderstood. The greatest compliment you could pay me? Check them out!

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