72. Reed Wilkinson Wrestles with Life’s Ultimate Questions

February 8, 2022

Reed Wilkinson, 22, is a deep thinker who just passed the LSAT. In this wide ranging episode, we discuss life's ultimate questions, including: Is there a God? If so, why does God allow evil to proliferate? And what is driving the rampant anxiety that many people under 25 suffer from, today? We discuss these questions, and more, through the lens of books like “Man's Search for Meaning,” “The Coddling of the American Mind,” “The Law of Self-Defense,” “The Case for Faith,” and novels like “Notes from Underground,” “Crime and Punishment,” and “The Alchemist.” And we tell personal stories.

Note: I mark this episode explicit because, when discussing life's biggest questions, we touch on the worst events of the 20th Century, like the Holocaust and the gulags.

(This episode was recorded on Feb. 3, 2022.)

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